Photometer PRO - The Ultimate Guide to Aquarium Lighting for Plants

Green and Glowing: The Ultimate Guide to Aquarium Lighting for Plants

Aquarium lighting for plant growth is an essential part of keeping your fish happy and healthy. It’s also a great way to add some color to your home or office! If you’re looking for the perfect aquarium light, this guide will help you choose the right one. Introduction Aquarium lighting is an essential part of […] - How a Lux to PPFD Calculator Can Help You Achieve Optimal Plant Growth guide

How a Lux to PPFD Calculator Can Help You Achieve Optimal Plant Growth

Perfect light intensity is a critical component of plant growth. While it can be difficult to calculate the ideal illuminance of your specific crops, a lux meter with a lux to PPFD calculator is an easy-to-use device that will make this task much easier.  A lux meter measures the amount of light that falls onto […]